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World Development Indicators 2014
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World Development Indicators, The World Bank
World Development Indicators 2014
World development Indicators: Technical Documentation
Social Explorer; World Development Indicators 2013: Technical Documentation
World Development Indicators 2014
World development Indicators: Technical Documentation
Variable Descriptions
Total Population
Population Density (per Sq. km)
Urban Population
Rural Population
Refugee Population by Country or Territory of Asylum
Refugee Population by Country or Territory of Origin
Internally Displaced Persons (High Estimate)
School Enrollment (% Gross)
Pupil-Teacher Ratio
Labor Force in Armed Forces
Labor Force
Life Expectancy at Birth (Years)
Crude Birth (Rate per 1,000 People)
Crude Death (Rate per 1,000 People)
Medical Personnel Coverage (Rate per 1,000 People)
Infant Mortality (Rate per 1,000 live births)
Maternal Mortality Ratio (Modeled Estimate, per 100,000 Live Births)
Maternal Deaths
Adult Mortality (per 1,000 Adults)
Prevalence of HIV
Fixed Telephone Subscriptions
Fixed (Wired) Broadband Subscriptions
Annual Freshwater Withdrawals
Renewable Internal Freshwater Resources
International Tourism: Arrivals
International Tourism: Departures
International Tourism: Receipts
International tourism: Receipts (% of Total Exports)
International Tourism: Receipts for Passenger Transport Items (Current US$)
International Tourism: Expenditures for Passenger Transport Items (Current US$)
International Tourism: Receipts for Travel Items (Current US$)
International Tourism: Expenditures for Travel Items (Current US$)
International Tourism: Expenditures (Current US$)
International Tourism: Expenditures (% of Total Imports)
Ease of Doing Business Index (1= Most Business-Friendly Regulations)
Patent Applications
Trademark Applications
High-Technology Exports (Current US$)
Health Expenditure
GDP (Current US$)
GDP per Capita (current US$)
GDP (Annual % Growth)
GDP, PPP (Current International $)
Gross Domestic Income (Constant 2005 US$)
GNI (Current US$)
GNI per Capita (Current LCU)
GNI per Capita Growth (Annual %)
GNI Purchasing Power Parity, PPP (Current International $)
Gross National Expenditure (Current US$)
Gross Domestic Savings (Current US$)
Gross Capital Formation (Current US$)
Gross Capital Formation (Annual % Growth)
Adjusted Net National Income (Current US$)
Adjusted Savings: Net National Savings (% of GNI)
Adjusted Savings: Education Expenditure (Current US$)
Adjusted Savings: Carbon Dioxide Damage (Current US$)
Adjusted Savings: Net Forest Depletion (Current US$)
Adjusted Savings: Consumption of Fixed Capital (Current US$)
Adjusted Savings: Mineral Depletion (Current US$)
Adjusted Savings: Energy Depletion (Current US$)
Net Bilateral Aid Flows from DAC donors
Net Official Flows from UN Agencies
Use of IMF Credit (DOD, Current US$)
IMF Charges (INT, Current US$)
IMF Repurchases (AMT, Current US$)
IMF Purchases (DIS, Current US$)
Industry by Occupation, Value Added: Agriculture
Industry by Occupation, Value Added: Manufacturing
Industry by Occupation, Value Added: Industry
Industry by Occupation, Value Added: Services
Industry by Occupation, Value Added - Annual % Growth Rate
External Balance on Goods and Services (Current US$)
Personal Remittances, Received (Current US$)
Personal Remittances, Paid (Current US$)
Foreign Direct Investment, Net (BoP, Current US$)
Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows (% of GDP)
Foreign Direct Investment, Net Outflows (% of GDP)
Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows (BoP, Current US$)
Primary Income on FDI, Payments (Current US$)
Portfolio Investment, Net (BoP, Current US$)
Portfolio investment, Bonds (PPG + PNG) (NFL, Current US$)
General Government Final Consumption Expenditure (Current US$)
General Government Education Expenditure
General Government Public Health Expenditure
General Government Military Expenditure
Final Consumption Expenditure, etc.(Current US$)
Final Consumption Expenditure, etc.(Annual % Growth)
Household Final Consumption Expenditure, etc. (Current US$)
Household Final Consumption Expenditure, etc. (Annual % Growth)
General Government Final Consumption Expenditure (Current US$)
General Government Final Consumption Expenditure (Annual % Growth)
Merchandise Exports (Current US$)
Food Merchandise
Agricultural Raw Materials Merchandise
Fuel Merchandise
Ores and metals Merchandise
Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports)
Merchandise Imports (Current US$)
Exports of Goods and Services (Current US$)
Imports of Goods and Services (Current US$)
Exports of Goods and Services (Annual % Growth)
Imports of Goods and Services (Annual % Growth)
Definitions by Topic
Agriculture & Rural Development
Aid Effectiveness
Climate Change
Economy & Growth
Energy & Mining
External Debt
Financial Sector
Private Sector
Public Sector
Science & Technology
Social Development
Social Protection & Labor
Urban Development
Social Explorer; World Development Indicators 2013: Technical Documentation