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UCR Crime Data 2011
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Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), U.S. U.S. Census Bureau
UCR Crime Data 2011
UCR Crime Data 2011
Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: County-Level Detailed Arrest and Offense Data, 2011: Codebook
1. Terms of Use
2. Content
3. ICPSR Data Collection Description
3.1 Break in Series
3.2 Changes in Imputation Procedures for Incomplete Reporting
3.3 Coverage Indicator
3.4 Comparing "Crime in the United States 2011" To ICPSR 34582
3.5 Identifying Missing Data
3.6 Notes on FIPS Codes
3.7 Additional Notes
4. Codebook for UCR County-level Arrests Data 2011 (ICPSR 34582, Parts 1-3)
5. Codebook for Allocated Statewide Data for Arrests2011 (ICPSR 34582, Parts 5-7)
6. Codebook for UCR County-level Crimes Reported Data 2011 (ICPSR 34582, Part 4)
7. Codebook for Allocated Statewide Data for Crimes Reported 2011 (ICPSR 34582, Part 8)
8. Appendix--fips Codes for UCR County-level Data
Social Explorer; Crime Data 2011: Technical Documentation