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House Price Index 2019
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Federal Housing Finance Agency House Price Index (HPI)
House Price Index 2019
House Price Index Technical Documentation
Social Explorer; Federal Housing Finance Agency House Price Index (HPI).
House Price Index 2019
House Price Index Technical Documentation
1. What is the value of the FHFA House Price Index (HPI)?
2. What transactions are covered in the FHFA HPI?
3. How is the HPI computed?
4. How often is the HPI published?
5. How is the HPI updated?
6. How do I interpret "four-quarter," "one-year," "annual," and "one-quarter" price?
7. How are Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Metropolitan Divisions defined and what criteria are used to determine whether an MSA index is published?
8. Does FHFA use the February 2013 revised Metropolitan Statistical Areas?
9. What geographic areas are covered by the HPI?
10. What is the methodology used by FHFA in computing the HPI?
11. How does the FHFA HPI differ from the Case-Shiller® Index?
12. How does the FHFA House Price Index differ from the Census Bureau's Constant Quality House Price Index (CQHPI)?
13. Where can I access MSA index numbers and standard errors for each year and quarter?
14. What role do Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play in the FHFA HPI?
15. Why is the FHFA HPI based on Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac mortgages?
16. When are the indexes normalized in the downloadable ASCII data?
17. Is the HPI adjusted for inflation?
18. How do I use the manipulatable data (in TXT files) on the website to calculate appreciation rates?
19. How is the FHFA HPI constructed for MSAs?
20. How can the HPI for an MSA be linked to ZIP codes within that MSA?
21. How and why is the HPI revised each quarter?
22. What transaction dates are used in estimating the index?
23. Are foreclosure sales included in the HPI?
24. How are the monthly HPIs calculated?
25. How are the Census Division and U.S. HPIs formed?
26. What weights are used in forming the Census Division and U.S. HPIs?
27. For those HPIs that are seasonally adjusted, what approach is used in performing the seasonal adjustment?
28. Do you have an HPI that includes loans which are not purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
29. Is there an HPI that corrects for distressed sales?
30. Can I use the data in the HPI and, if so, how should the index be cited?
Social Explorer; Federal Housing Finance Agency House Price Index (HPI).