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Census 1890
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Digitally transcribed by Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Edited, verified by Michael Haines. Compiled, edited and verified by Social Explorer.
Census 1890
Census 1890
Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses From 1790 to 2000
Cover Image
Census Questionnaires and Instructions: 1790 to 2000
1790 Questionnaire
1800 Questionnaire
1810 Questionnaire
1820 Questionnaire
Instructions to Marshals
1830 Questionnaire
Instructions to Marshals
1840 Questionnaire
1850 Questionnaire
The Census of 1850
Free Inhabitants
Slave Inhabitants
1860 Questionnaire
The Census of 1860
Original Questionnaire
Instructions to Marshals and Assistants
1870 Questionnaire
The Census of 1870
Original Questionnaire
Instructions to Marshals and Assistants (Schedule 1-Inhabitants)
Personal Description
Constitutional Relations
1880 Questionnaire
The Census of 1880
Schedule 1,"Inhabitants"
Schedule No. 1 [7-296]-Population
Schedule 1, "Indian Division"
The Plan of Enumeration in Institutions
Soldiers and Sailors
Special Enumeration of Indians
Schedule No. 1-Population
Supervisor's and Enumeration Districts
Civil Divisions
Color, Sex, and Age
Conjugal Condition and Children and Children Living
Place of Birth and Parent Nativity
Profession, Trade, or Occupation, and Month Employed
Agricultural Pursuits
Mining and Quarrying
Professional Pursuits
Domestic and Personal Service
Pursuits of Trade and Transportation
Manufacturing and Mechanical Pursuits
Other Occupations
School Attendance, Illiteracy, and Language Spoken
Mental and Physical Defects, Etc.
Ownership of Homes and Farms
1890 Questionnaire
1900 Questionnaire
The Census of 1900
Indian Population
Instruction Continued On "B" Side of Sheet (Instructions for Filling This Schedule)
1910 Questionnaire
The Census of 1910
General Population
Indian Population
1920 Questionnaire
The Census of 1920
Original questionnaire
Instructions to Enumerators
1930 Questionnaire
The Census of 1930
Census of Unemployment
1940 Questionnaire
The Census of 1940
Census of Occupied Dwellings
Census of Vacant Dwellings
1950 Questionnaire
Questions from the 1950 Census of Population and Housing, Form P-1
1960 Questionnaire
1960 Population questions
Original questionnaires
1970 Questionnaires
1970 Population questions [All]
1970 Census of Puerto Rico
Original Questionnaire
1980 Questionnaire
1980 Census of the United States
Original questionnaires
1990 Questionnaire
Official 1990 U.S. Census Form
1990 Census of Puerto Rico
Original questionnaires
2000 Questionnaire
Availability of Population Schedules
Availability of the 1930 Census Records
Finding Guides
State and Territorial Censuses
Mortality Schedules
A note about microfilmed schedules for genealogy
A History of the Decennial Censuses: 1790-2000
Censuses of 1790 to 1840
Censuses of 1850 to 1890
Censuses of 1900 to 2000
Stateside Developments
Individual Histories of the United States Censuses
The First Census: 1790
The Second Census: 1800
The Third Census: 1810
The Fourth Census: 1820
The Fifth Census: 1830
The Sixth Census: 1840
The Seventh Census: 1850
The Eighth Census: 1860
The Ninth Census: 1870
The Tenth Census: 1880
The Eleventh Census: 1890
The Twelfth Census: 1900
The Thirteenth Census: 1910
The Fourteenth Census: 1920
The Fifteenth Census: 1930
1930 Census of Unemployment
The Sixteenth Census: 1940
1940 Census of Housing
The Seventeenth Census: 1950
The Eighteenth Census: 1960
The Nineteenth Census: 1970
The Twentieth Census: 1980
The Twenty-First Census: 1990
The Twenty-Second Census: 2000
Appendix A. United States Population and Census Cost
Appendix B. National Archives and Records Administration Headquarters and Regional Branches
Appendix C. Availability of Records for the Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890
Eleventh Census of the United States: 1890
Index to the Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890
Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Appendix D. Bibliography
Social Explorer; U.S. Census Bureau; Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses From 1790 to 2000
Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000
1790 Census
Census (County and State)
1800 Census
Census (County and State)
1810 Census
Census (County and State)
1820 Census
Census (County and State)
1830 Census
Census (County and State)
1840 Census
Census (County and State)
Manufacturing Data (County and State)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
1850 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
1860 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
1870 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census SO2 (State Only)
Census SO3 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
Manufacturing Data (County and State)
1880 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census SO2 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
1890 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
Census of Religious Bodies (County and State)
1900 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
1910 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
Census of Agriculture (County and State)
1920 Census
Census (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
1930 Census
Census I (County and State)
Census II (County and State)
Census III (County and State)
Census IV Families (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
1940 Census
Census I (County and State)
Census II (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
1950 Census
Census I (County and State)
Census II (County and State)
Census SO1 (State Only)
1960 Census
Census I (County and State)
Census II (County and State)
Census III (County and State)
1970 Census
Census (County and State)
Social Explorer; U.S. Census Bureau; Michael R. Haines. Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000.