Documentation: Census 1960 Tracts Only Set
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Publisher: U.S. Census Bureau
Document: Census Tract Data, 1940-1970: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue File
Social Explorer; U.S. Census Bureau; U.S. Censuses of Population and Housing: 1960. Census Tracts. Final Report PHC(1)-11. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1962.
Census Tract Data, 1940-1970: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue File
Final Reports Of the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing
The publication program for these two censuses includes the final reports listed below, the present series of PHC(1) reports entitled Census Tracts, and a number of evaluation, procedural, and administrative reports. Prior to issuance Of some of the final reports, selected data are being released in several series of advance reports. Certain types of unpublished statistics will be available for the cost of preparing a copy of the data; and, under certain conditions, special tabulations of the data from the 1960 Censuses can be prepared on a reimbursable basis. Further information may be obtained by writing to the Chief, Population Division, or the Chief, Housing Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C., and giving a specific description of the statistics desired.

Census of Population
Volume I. Characteristics of the Population. This volume consists of separate reports for the United States, each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands of the United States, American Samoa, and Canal Zone. For each of these 57 areas, the data are first being issued in four separate, paper-bound chapters, designated as PC(l)-A, B, C, and D. After the four chapters for each area are published, they will be assembled and issued in a buckram-bound part. A are being assembled for issuance in a buckram-bound edition, designated as Part A. In addition, all of the 57 chapters (For Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Canal Zone, the material normally contained in chapters B, C, and D is included in chapter B.)

Series PC(1)-1A to 57A: Chapter A. Number of Inhabitants. These reports contain final population counts for States and counties and their urban and rural parts, and for standard metropolitan statistical areas, urbanized areas, all incorporated places, unincorporated places of 1,000 inhabitants or more, and minor civil divisions.

Series PC(1)-1B to 57B: Chapter B. General PO Population Characteristics. These reports present statistics on sex, age, marital status, color or race, and relationship to head of household for States and counties and their urban and rural parts, and for standard metropolitan statistical areas, urbanized areas, places of 1,000 inhabitants or more, and minor civil divisions.

Series PC(1)-1C to 53C: Chapter C. General Social and Economic Characteristics. These reports cover the subjects of nativity and parentage, State of birth, country house, school enrollment by level of origin of the foreign stock, mother tongue, place of residence in 1955, year moved into present and type, years of school completed, families and their composition, fertility, veteran status, employment status, weeks worked in 1959, year last worked, occupation group, industry group, class of worker, of transportation to work, and income of persons and families. Each subject is shown for some or all of the following areas: States, place of work, means and counties and their urban, rural-nonfarm, and rural-farm parts, standard metropolitan statistical areas, urbanized areas, and urban places.

Series PC(1)-1D lo 53D: Chapter D. Detailed Characteristics. These reports will present most of the subjects covered in chapter C, above, cross-classified by age, color, and other characteristics. There will also be included additional information on families, as well as data on single years of age, detailed occupation, and detailed industry. Each subject will be shown for some or all of the following areas: States and their urban, rural-nonfarm, and rural-farm parts; and large counties, cities, and standard metropolitan statistical areas.

Volume I, Parts 1 to 57: Characteristics of the Population. This will consist of 57 parts-one for the United States, each of the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Canal Zone. Each part will consist of the data previously published in the four chapters A, B, C, and D, and will be in the form of a separate, buckram-bound book. Parts 54, 55, 56, and 57-for Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Canal Zone, respectively-will be bound in a single book.

Volume I, Part A: Number of Inhabitants. This is a compendium of the 57 chapter A reports, i.e., PC(l)-IA to 57A.

Volume II (Series PC(f) reports). Subject Reports. This volume will consist of approximately 40 reports devoted essentially to detailed cross-classifications for the United States and regions for such subjects as national origin and race, fertility, families, marital status, migration, education, employment, unemployment, occupation, industry, and income. On some subjects (e.g., migration) statistics will also be shown for standard metropolitan statistical areas or States. In addition, there will be reports on veterans, the U.S. population overseas, and the geographic distribution and characteristics of the institutional population.

Volume III (Series PC(S) reports). Selected Area Reports. This volume will consist of two reports showing selected characteristics of the population (1) for State economic areas, and (2) according to the size of place where the individual resided.

Volume IV. Summary and Analytical Report. This report will present an analytical review of the results of the 1960 Census of Population for each major field.

Census of Housing
[The source of the data is the April 1960 enumeration, except for Volumes IV and V which will be based largely on the enumeration of units in a sample of land area segments started in late 1959 and extended into 1960]

Volume I (Series HC(1) reports). States and Small Areas. These reports present information about all housing subjects covered in the April 1960 enumeration. There is a separate report for the United States by regions and geographic divisions, each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Virgin Islands of the United States. In the State reports, information is shown for the State as a whole and for each standard metropolitan statistical area, urbanized area, urban place, place of 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants, county, and the rural-farm and rural-nonfarm parts of the county. The volume covers occupancy characteristics such as tenure, vacancy status, color, number of persons; structural characteristics such as rooms, year built, and condition of unit; equipment and facilities including water supply, toilet and bathing facilities, heating equipment, air conditioning, television, clothes washing machine, and the like; and financial characteristics including value and rent.

Volume II (Series HC(2) reports). Metropolitan Housing. These reports will present cross tabulations of housing and household characteristics. There will be a separate report for the United States by geographic divisions, and for each of the 192 standard metropolitan statistical areas with 100,000 inhabitants or more in the United States and Puerto Rico. inhabitants or more will be included in the metropolitan area report.
Separate statistics for each city of 100,000

Volume III (Series HC(S) reports). City Blocks. This volume consists of separate reports for cities and urban places with 50,000 Inhabitants or more prior to and at the time of the 1960 Census, and for a number of smaller localities which arranged for block statistics. Data for a limited number of characteristics are presented by blocks. Statistics for 467 cities and localities in the United States and Puerto Rico are published in 421 separate reports.

Volume IV (Series HC(4) reports). Components of Inventory Change. These reports will present information on the source of the 1959 inventory and the disposition of the 1950 and 1956 inventories. Data will be provided for components of change such as new construction, conversion, merger, demolition, and other additions and other losses. Part 1 of the volume will contain the 1950 to 1959 comparison, with a separate report for the United States by regions, and each of 17 selected standard metropolitan statistical areas. Part 2 will contain the 1957 to 1959 comparison, with a separate report for the United States by regions, and each of 9 selected standard metropolitan statistical areas.

Volume V. Residential Finance. These reports will present information on financing of residential property, including Characteristics of mortgages, properties, and homeowners. Part 1 of the volume will be a report on homeowner proper lies for the United States by regions, and each of 17 selected standard metropolitan statistical areas. Part 2 will be a report on rental and vacant properties for the United states.

Volume VI. Rural Housing. This volume will show cross tabulations of housing and household characteristics for the 121 economic sub regions of the United States, for rural-farm and for rural-nonfarm housing units.

Series HC(S1). Special Reports for Local Housing Authorities. This series consists of f separate reports for 139 localities in the United States. The program was requested by, and planned in cooperation with, the Public Housing Administration. The reports contain data on both owner- and renter-occupied housing units defined as substandard by Public Housing Administration criteria, with emphasis on gross rent, size of family, and income of renter families.

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