Data Dictionary: Health Data 2016 Release
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Data Source:Social Explorer; County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
Variable Details
T9. Diabetes
Percent base:
None - percentages not computed
Aggregation method:
None -- No totals are displayed for this variable when multiple geographies are aggregated.
Formula used to compute this variable:
#ReturnType oretval = new #ReturnType(); oretval = ORG:HD2016_005_HEALTH_T7_V6; return oretval;
Variables used in the formula:
Percent of Diabetics
Relevant Documentation:
Excerpt from: Social Explorer; Health Data 2015: Technical Documentation
T9: Diabetes

Diabetics is the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in a given county. Respondents were considered to have diagnosed diabetes if they responded "yes" to the question, "Has a doctor ever told you that you have diabetes?" Women who indicated that they only had diabetes during pregnancy were not considered to have diabetes.

Diabetic Medicare Enrollees Receiving Hba1c Test

Diabetic Monitoring is the percentage of diabetic fee-for-service Medicare patients ages 65 - 75 whose blood sugar control was monitored in the past year using a test of their glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels.

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