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Documentation: Census 1950 Census Tract Only
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Publisher: U.S. Census Bureau
Document: 1950 Census Tract Data: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue File
Social Explorer; U.S. Census Bureau; Census Tract Data, 1940-1970: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue File
1950 Census Tract Data: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue File
This report presents statistics on the characteristics of the population and housing of census tracts for one of the tracted areas for which data have been compiled from the Seventeenth Decennial Census of the United States, Its Territories, and possessions conducted as of April 1, 1950. Provision for the Seventeenth Decennial Census of Population was made in the act providing for the Fifteenth and subsequent decennial censuses which was approved on June 18, 1929; the 1950 Census of Housing was authorized by the Housing Act of 1949, approved July 15, 1949.
This is a chapter of Volume III, Census Tract Statistics, of the publications of the 1950 Census of Population. Volume III consists of separate reports issued as bulletins, which will not be bound into a single publication. The materials presented here were prepared under the supervision of Howard G. Brunsman, Chief, Population and Housing Division, Dr. Henry S. Shryock. Jr., Assistant Chief for Population Statistics, Wayne F. Daugherty, Assistant Chief for Housing and Robert B. Voight. Assistant Chief for Operations. with the assistance of Edwin D. Goldfield, Program Coordinator.
The materials on population were prepared by Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, Chief, Demographic Statistics Section, assisted by Tobia Bressler; Dr. Paul C. Glick. Chief, Social Statistics Section, assisted by Severn Provus and Emanuel Landau: Gertrude Bancroft, Coordinator for Manpower Statistics, assisted by Max Shor and Herman P. Miller; and David L. Kaplan, Chief, Occupation and Industry Statistics Section, assisted by Claire Casey.
The materials on housing were prepared by Robert C. Hamer, Chief, Quality and Equipment Statistics Section, assisted by Nathan Krevor; and Carl A. S. Coan, Chief, Inventory Statistics Section, assisted by Florence R. Skelly.
Sampling procedures were under the direction of Joseph Steinberg, Chief, Statistical Sampling Section, assisted by Joseph Waksberg; technical procedures were under the direction of Norton A. Meyer, Milton D. Lieberman, and E. Richard Bourdon; and the technical editorial work and planning were under the supervision of Mildred M. Russell. The geographic work including technical assistance to local tract committees and the preparation of maps was under the supervision of Clarence E. Batschelet, Chief, Geography Division. The collection of the information on which these statistics were based was under the supervision of Lowell T. Galt, Chief, Field Division, and the tabulations were under the supervision of C. F. Van Aken, Chief, Machine Tabulation Division.

August 1952.

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