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Social Explorer Announces Website Relaunch

FRIDAY, JUN 07, 2013

We are delighted to announce that this spring and summer, we will be rolling out a new version of Social Explorer with an improved website and more features.  This relaunch begins with our new website, now available in beta here.

Social Explorer first launched in 2003 and has become an award winning online research tool.  You will soon enjoy expanded data resources, quicker maps, more ways to visualize data, new ways to share your projects, and much more.

Building on years of data and technological expertise, the Social Explorer team has invented a new mapping technology to serve you better.  Our upgraded map engine delivers dynamic visualizations with new levels of interactivity and customization:
New features and enhancements include:

  • An improved map interface that makes it easier to browse, allowing you to quickly navigate data and maps
  • A single sign-on that simplifies login and access
  • An easy-to-navigate personal project gallery that allows you to save and share your creations
  • Additional map customization options that will give you full control over color schemes and the ability to turn geographical layers on/off, allowing you to easily build maps to your specifications
  • New visualization features – such as dot density and bubble maps – that will allow you to inspect data in ways not previously possible, thus providing a more informed research experience
  • Improved sharing functionality that enables you to share maps through links and social media and will further allow you to embed maps on blogs, increasing interactivity and collaboration
  • New data sets, including the most recent releases of the American Community Survey 2011 (2010 Census data is already available)
  • Additional features coming soon include a brand new project building area where you can develop custom presentations, more new data (business, crime, election, and international data), more map customization options and annotations, and a mobile application for Android and Apple

We want to thank you for supporting Social Explorer, and want assure you that you will still be able to access our current system – including all data, maps, and reports – while this relaunch unfolds.  In the coming weeks, we will update you on new features and we trust that you will find the new system even easier to use — from logging in, to building maps, to sharing your creations.

None of this could have happened without you – our subscribers and users – as well as the team at Oxford University Press and support from the National Science Foundation.

We hope the new features, maps, and data will make Social Explorer an even more useful and engaging system for you.  We would value any feedback that you may have.  Please feel free to contact us at


Andrew Beveridge (President/Co-Founder)

Ahmed Lacevic (CTO/Co-Founder)


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